The Web 2.0 Strategy Conversation...
started with Tim O'Reilly asking me "What is Web 2.0 Strategy?"
Welcome to the Web 2.0 Strategy conversation,
based on the best-selling book Web 2.0: A Strategy Guide, published by O'Reilly Media and the consulting, research and teaching of author, international authority and business school professor Amy Shuen.
Where in the world is Amy Shuen? She splits her time between Silicon Valley, Seattle, Europe and Asia. Check her calendar, to meetup, schedule time to talk and contact her...
To actively transform your business & industry
to Web 2.0 Strategy best practices-------------------->see Consulting
To energize your associates, partners,
executives and board members------------------------->see Speaking
To check out free video, ppts, blog writing, cases, syllabi and course reading lists----------------->see Resources
Web 2.0: A Strategy Guide
See what Amazon and Slashdot readers say...

Web 2.0 in Business Terms...Fantastic book to be read again and again...Clear, thought provoking, business altering! Written in an engaging easy to read style;...successfully explains a lot of buzzwords... A Single, Coherent Source for Web 2.0 Strategy...You owe it to yourself to read this book -- your take on business will never be the same afterwards...My space on the shelf for this book is empty because her book is always in my hand...Amy Shuen is to the world of Web 2.0 as Ludwig van Beethoven's influence is to the world of music...What if your competition already has this book?